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Starting your business
Growing your business

Financing your business

Protecting your business

Selling your business

TEC-law covers all main areas of expertise that are required for a Netherlands company, from starting a business, incorporating a company, financing the business and raising capital up to an exit (except IPO’s).


To enable TEC-law to efficiently and cost-effectively render its services and to cover all areas of expertise, TEC-law maintains relationships with seasoned lawyers, civil-law notaries, tax advisors and other (legal) professionals (contracted or subcontracted) that cover (almost) all areas of expertise that are required to assist technology companies, from start-up and early stage companies to fully grown commercial, trading, licensing or production companies.

TEC-law mainly delivers tailor-made contracts and renders legal advice, but in some occasions legal proceedings are inevitable. TEC-law can also assist clients in corporate and commercial litigation.

TEC-law does not do debt collections, tax, real estate, privacy, big data, pensions, insurance, but TEC-law is able to connect.



TEC-law is an Amsterdam-based law firm specialised in corporate and commercial law. Trust, dedication, loyalty and personal relations are key to adding value for a client.


TEC-law renders legal services to companies and enterprises in the Netherlands and has a strong focus on (innovative) companies in the TECHNOLOGY sector

TEC-law has a strong focus on (innovative) companies in the technology sector, such as high-tech, smart-tech, agritech, biotech, clean-tech.

Among the clients of TEC-law are private equity and venture capital investment funds, early stage start-ups and spin-offs as well as later stage scale-ups and growth-companies, their founders, business angels and/or management. The sweet spot industries of TEC-law are technology companies in ICT, Renewable Energy, Life Sciences, Aviation, Maritime, Heavy-Industry and Chemical Industry.


Basically, TEC-law works the way you want to WORK

Transparency is key. Preferably TEC-law works on a pre-agreed fixed fee basis.

A fixed fee typically works well with drafting of contracts in small-cap transactions (e.g. seed rounds and Series A rounds) and in stand-alone assignments such as share option plans or commercial contracts.

TEC-law is a private company with limited liability (TEC-law B.V. / kvknr. 72995203) that is managed, owned and operated by
mr. E.F. Renes, attorney-at-law registered with the Amsterdam Bar of the Netherlands Bar Association (LinkedIn profile).

The professional rules for attorneys can be found on the website of the Netherlands Bar Association. TEC-law has taken out professional liability insurance.

TEC-law employs no junior-lawyers and no para-legals. Hourly rates vary from EUR 295 – EUR 350 (ex VAT). TEC-law does not charge any mark-up for office costs. Disbursements (e.g. court fees, courier-costs, reproductions, Chamber of Commerce registrations) are invoiced to the client without charging handling fees.

The General Terms & Conditions of TEC-law are applicable to all engagements entered into with TEC-law and to all services rendered by TEC-law.


Looking for more?
Here are a few places to explore.

General terms & conditions
Privacy statement
Complaints procedure